- Chaosrealm Map
- Side Mission: Locate the fallen Shirai-Ryu clansman and return Scorpion’s mask to him
- Side Mission: Find the riddle to this warrior’s identity in the temple ruins and return it to her
- Fighting Challenge: Darrius
- Side Mission: Bring the Earthrealm map to the temple ruins and return to Kabal for a reward
- Side Mission: Locate Kobra and defeat him in battle
- Fighting Challenge: Smoke
- Fighting Challenge: Mileena
- Training: Havik
- Fighting Challenge: Baraka
Chaosrealm Map

After materialising from the portal, head forward a short distance to initiate a conversation with Damashi. Shujinko questions Damashi on who that warrior was in the Nexus, to which Damashi replies that he is not certain.
Your next role in this realm is simple: to find the Chaosrealm Kamidogu. Damashi tells Shujinko that this realm is one of chaos and constant turmoil, and that its inhabitants object to any kind of order or structure.
After speaking with Damashi, head west toward the green aura. You will see a guard pacing back and forth in front of a red transporter. Approach him to initiate a fight. After you defeat the warrior in two rounds, you will receive 450 random koins and gain access to the transporter.
Mount the red transporter in front of you. You will be teleported over the cavity and reappear on the red transporter on the other side. These transporters will be your main method of transport throughout Chaosrealm.
Side Mission

Locate the fallen Shirai-Ryu clansman and return Scorpion’s mask to him
Speak to the Shirai-Ryu warrior who is circling the area in front of you. Upon speaking to him, he tells you that he has heard a rumour that a member of his clan has been slain in this realm. He asks you to find the fallen warrior and to bring back his mask as proof of his death.
Head to C-2 where you will find a fallen Shirai-Ryu. Examine the body to retrieve the Shirai-Ryu Mask. Return the mask to the warrior you spoke with earlier for a reward of 400 koins. Note that you cannot complete this side mission until you have spoken with Havik later on.
Head north from the Shirai-Ryu member’s location to C-2 and speak with the robed man in the green aura. He tells you that a wraith from the Netherrealm has seized the cemetery in front of you in the name of the Brotherhood of Shadow. Shujinko then offers to defeat the warrior in order to reclaim the cemetery.
Run toward the green aura in the distance and speak to the trespasser, Noob Saibot. You must now defeat Noob Saibot in two rounds. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive a sum of 450 random koins for your victory.
From B-1, head to the northeast corner of the cemetery. Here you will find a video camera that will give you a key for koffin OK (unlocks Silat Video).
Side Mission

Find the riddle to this warrior’s identity in the temple ruins and return it to her
Head to the far southwest end of the cemetery in A-3 where you will find Kira. She will tell you that she has lost her memory, and that there is a scroll in the temple ruins that may hold the key to her identity.
You cannot complete this mission until you progress later in the game. The solution for this side mission will be covered later on in this playguide.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Darrius
Now, leave the cemetery using the western entrance and head north toward A-1. You will find Darrius wandering around this area. Speak with him to engage in kombat.
Defeat Darrius during an earthquake. During this fight both you and Darrius will lose health whenever the ground tremors. When you successfully defeat him in two rounds, you will receive 300 random koins.
Side Mission

Bring the Earthrealm map to the temple ruins and return to Kabal for a reward
Continue toward the green aura to the east. At B-1 you will find Kabal walking back and forth in front of a yellow transporter. He tells you that he stole a map from a dead traveller that shows a path to Earthrealm, and asks that you hide it for him in the temple ruins.
You cannot complete this mission until you progress later in the game. The solution for this side mission will be covered later on in this playguide.
Walk onto the yellow transporter. After you have been teleported to the other yellow transporter, head south toward Havik who is standing in front of some large gates. He tells you that there are Seidan Guardsmen who have entered Chaosrealm and seek to restrict the flow of their water supply. He asks you to find and defeat these impostors, then place a Chaos Pendant around each one of their necks. If you complete this task, he will reward you with training.
After your conversation with Havik, the doors in front of Shujinko will open. Travel toward the green aura to the south and mount the orange transporter.
Side Mission

Locate Kobra and defeat him in battle
Once you have been teleported to the other side, speak with Dairou who will be wandering around E-3. He tells you that he has been sent to this realm to assassinate Kobra, a member of the Black Dragon. Kobra knows Dairou by face however, so a surprise attack would not be possible. Dairou offers you half of his payment if you assassinate Kobra for him.
You cannot complete this mission until you progress later in the game. The solution for this side mission will be covered later on in this playguide.
From Dairou’s location, head north along a windy path alongside the Chaosrealm water supply. You will encounter two warriors on your way to your next mission.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Smoke
Continue along this path until you find the cyborg Smoke. Smoke has been sent my Noob Saibot to hunt you down. Defend yourself against his impending attack.
Defeat Smoke while he is invisible. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 350 random koins.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Mileena
You will find the Tarkatan Mileena further down the path. Speak to her to initiate a battle.
Defeat Mileena three times while she is healing. When you successfully defeat her in three rounds, you will receive 350 random koins.
Just around the corner you will find a large ramp leading up to a large water facility. Walk up the ramp to the robed man in the green aura at G-3. He tells you that there is a Seidan guard in each corner of the facility that must be taken care of. He then vanishes in a puff of smoke.
Head toward the green aura nearby where you will encounter the first of four guardsmen. You must now defeat the guardsman as Bo’ Rai Cho. When you have defeated the guardsman in two rounds, you will receive 400 random koins.
Travel north toward the green aura in another corner. Here you will find the second guardsman. Again, you must defeat him, but this time you will fight as Sub-Zero. When you have defeated this guardsman in two rounds, you will receive 400 random koins.

You will find the third Seidan guardsman in the eastern corner of the facility. Approach the guard to commence kombat. This time you will fight as Ashrah. When you have successfully defeated the third guardsman in two rounds, you will receive 400 random koins.
Now, onto the last of the intruders. Approach the guardsman in the south to begin your final battle, fighting as Ermac. Once the guardsman has been defeated in two rounds, you will receive 450 random koins.
With the impending threat vanquished, return to the robed man in G-3. After congratulating you, he will tell you that Havik is waiting for you in the town to the south. Head down the ramp and follow the aura to the south to find Havik. For your brilliant work he offers to train you in the ways of Chaos.
Training: Havik
Now, Shujinko, we will see how you fare against my Snake high attacks!
- Bai She Tu Xin: 1
- Viper Strike: 2
- High Snapkick: 3
- Mid Kick: 4
Round Two! My Snake low attacks will destroy you!
- Low Palm: 1
- Low Cobra Kick: 3
- Quick Low Kick: 4
Now you will know the fury of Chaos! These are the power and pop-up attacks of Snake!
- Cross Fang: 1
- Gut Buster: 2
- Qing She Chu Dong: 2
- Eagle Pecking: 4
- Twin Fang Uppercut: 2
I am impressed that you have survived this long, but you will not survive my Snake basic combos.
- 1, 1
- Blinding Strike: 2, 1
- Soul Catcher: 2, 4
- Twisting Python: 2, 2
- Spiritual Snake Tail: 2, 3
- Serpent Touch: 4, 2
- Thrusting Fang: 1, 1, 1
I did not think you could endure my last assault! I doubt you will endure my Snake advanced combos!
- 1, 1, 2
- Rattlesnake: 1, 1, 3
- 1, 1, 4
- Snake Eyes: 1, 1, 2, 1
- Poisonous Snake: 1, 1, 2, 2
- Hissing Strikes: 1, 1, 2, 3
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 25 random koins.
Impressive! But you will not survive my Tang Soo Do high attacks!
- Open Palm: 1
- Forward Open Palm: 2
- Front Ball Kick: 3
Indeed you have survived! But you will not stand a chance against these Tang Soo Do low attacks!
- Knee Chop: 1
- Low Parallel Kick: 3
- Low Foot Strike: 4
- Sweeping Knife Hook: 4
Taste the wrath of my Tang Soo Do power and pop-up attacks!
- Downward Elbow: 1
- Inside Crescent Kick: 3
- Spinning Sidekick: 3
- Uppercut: 2
My Tang Soo Do basic combos will destroy you!
- 1, 1
- 1, 3
- Nightfall: 1, 4
- Path Maker: 3, 3
- Walking Dead: 1, 3, 3
- 2, 3
- Face Breaker: 2, 2
Defend yourself against my Tang Soo Do advanced combos.
- 1, 1, 2
- 1, 1, 3
- Rushing Palm: 1, 1, 1
- Rotting Stench: 2, 3, 4
- 1, 1, 2, 3
- Death Wind: 1, 1, 2, 2
- Decaying Guard: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 50 random koins.
No one can defend against my Morning Star technique!
- Iron Swing: 1
- Finger Jab: 2
- Hip Takeout: 4
I will crush you with my Morning Star low attacks!
- Low Punch: 1
- Toe Bash: 3
- Shin Swipe: 4
- Knock-Down: 1
- Spikes To The Thighs: 3
You think you have survived? You have not encountered anything as powerful as my Morning Star power and pop-up attack!
- Stomach Crunch: 1
- Two Handed Swing: 3
- Rib Slap: 4
- Downwards Spike: 3
- Uplifting Mace: 2
- Upward Mace: 2
Feel the wrath of my Morning Star combos!
- Basic Steps: 2, 2
- Fast Fists: 2, 2, 2
Dodge my Morning Star advanced combo.
- 3 … 2 … 2, 2, 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 75 random koins.
You will not be able to predict my chaotic branching combos!
- Hissing Fangs: 2, 2,
Confused? Not confused enough!
- Snake Tang: 1, 1, 2,
We shall see if you can handle this Whirlwind combo!
- Overrun: 1, 1, 2, 2,
- Chaos Master: 1, 1, 2,
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 100 random koins.
These special moves will horrify you!
- Torso Spin: , 1
- Torso Spin: , 1
Odd? Strange? You have not seen anything yet!
- Diving Corpse: , 1
- Diving Corpse: , 1
Have I disturbed your fragile mind? Now I will crush it!
- Crackling Legs Projectile: , 3
- Crackling Legs Projectile: , 3
My body contorts in ways it was not meant to! Such is the way of Chaos!
- Head Snap: , 2
- Corpse Taunt: , 4
I have given you a taste, but will you survive all of them?
- Crackling Legs Projectile: , 3
- Corpse Taunt: , 4
- Diving Corpse: , 1
- Torso Spin: , 1
- Head Snap: , 2
- Crackling Legs Projectile: , 3
- Corpse Taunt: , 4
- Diving Corpse: , 1
- Torso Spin: , 1
- Head Snap: , 2
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 125 random koins.
I must apologize. I have restrained myself by attacking you one move at a time. Now I will not hold back!
- Fight and defeat Havik in one round
Mission completed! You will now receive a koin reward of 150 random koins.
Upon the completion of the training lesson, Shujinko accuses Havik of attempted murder. Havik retorts by saying that his intentions were to unleash chaos and uncertainty into the training lesson so that you may learn in a different way. He then follows by saying he would have killed him if he had the chance. Since you survived the assault, however, Havik rewards you with a Portal Key.
Fighting Challenge

Opponent: Baraka
After your conversation with Havik, turn to face east and take notice of the building nearby in G-4. Here you will find Baraka pacing outside the front doors between 10pm and 4am. Approach the Tarkatan vermin and exterminate him.
Defeat Baraka before you bleed to death. When you successfully defeat him in one round, you will receive 350 random koins.
Face east and enter the building closest to the crater. Inside you will find a gold chest containing a key for koffin JS (unlocks Havik).
Exit the building, then head west to the purple transporter. It will now function using the Portal Key Havik gave you earlier. You will be teleported a long distance to D-5. Head west through the maze toward the green aura in A-5. Proceed up the ramp to find the Chaosrealm Kamidogu floating above a pool of yellow liquid. Continue toward the Kamidogu. As Shujinko enters the water, he feels a strange dizzying sensation as if the world is passing him by.
When you emerge from the liquid, you will be standing in front of Damashi close to the portal, and Shujinko will be noticeably older. Damashi says that the strange liquid you stepped in may have had some time-altering properties, and although time has passed, Shujinko has not perceived it.
Walk east and enter the portal to return to the Nexus. Once placing the Chaosrealm Kamidogu on the altar, the next portal will open. This will lead you to Outworld.